Nashville DJ Diaries | We Want to Blog About Your Wedding + Event!

If you read our blog posts, follow us on social media, and/or receive our monthly newsletter from us, then you probably already know what our 'DJ Diaries' blog series is all about. Every Monday morning at 8am sharp, our most recent events are recapped + added to our ongoing series. These blogs cover weddings, corporate events, celebrations, local events + gatherings, and occasionally I'm able to include a few details from some of our more swanky Nashville private parties!

The reason we've experienced so much success with this specific blog series is because we have great readers, we work with incredible clients, and we're fortunate to surround ourselves with some of the most talented vendors + venues in Nashville. In addition to that, it's because people love the details. It's only natural, right? I will confess that when I'm standing in the checkout lane at the grocery store, I'm glancing over at the gossip magazines to read about the latest Hollywood news. #ilovepopculture But really, I'm scanning over those magazine titles and subtitles because as my Mom would say: "you gotta get the scoop!" People love reading about other peoples events, looking thru pictures, hearing about all of the details. You know the ones- the who, when, wheres, and whats.

Recapping all of our events each week is not only important to our readers + to our prospective clients, but these blog recaps are also important to our Snyder Entertainment team as well. We invite all of our clients to fill out an after-event evaluation form on their complete experience, as well as a Wedding Wire review. In addition to those, during the planning process, using your online planning portal, we also ask clients to answer a few questions regarding their decision to use Snyder Entertainment, and questions specific to their event. This helps me to better write the blogs, give the best details, and highlight the information that you want me to include. So, be sure and answer those questions and send any additional information!

Please keep checking back because we're going to start rolling out all of our weddings + events recaps as get more and more into wedding season, Proms, graduations and corporate events! If you're ready to book your upcoming wedding and/or event with us, then contact us today!