You're Engaged! Now What?

Did you know that during the holidays is the most popular time for couples to get engaged? While I am mourning the end of another holiday season (it’s my favorite, just like Elf), you may be suddenly realizing that you now have to get in wedding planning mode. Don’t have a panic attack just yet. We’ve got some great tips on how to prepare for the next several months of wedding planning. 


1.     Set boundaries and a budget.  Planning on inviting 300 guests and keeping your budget under $10,000? I don’t mean to be blunt, but this isn’t realistic. First, set a budget. This will determine many, if not all, of the details of your wedding. Then, make a list of the top five aspects of your wedding that are the most important to you and your groom.

2.     Save the Date.  It’s difficult to plan for an event when you don’t know how long you have to plan! Consider the time of year: how is the weather in your area? You can’t start planning until you pick a date, or, at least have a month in mind that would be ideal for your wedding date. {Planning Tip} Don’t have your mind set on one specific date! It may already be booked at your dream venue. Keep an open mind!

3.    Guest List. Do you want a huge extravaganza with 350 guests that you may or may not know; or, would you prefer to have a small, intimate event with your closest friends and family? This is something you and your fiancé must consider. The number of guests you are inviting will dictate your venue selection and how you distribute your budget. If you are having trouble deciding on how and who to invite, remember this tip: If you haven’t called them on the phone, spoken to them in person, or wouldn’t invite them over to your house for dinner, then you probably shouldn’t invite them to your wedding.

4.    Wedding Style. Country, modern, classic, southern chic, traditional, vintage chic, southern vintage, alternative, simple: The list goes on. Your wedding style can change during the first few weeks of planning. Also, Pinterest can help you find your wedding inspiration (be careful not to get too caught up in it, though). When you imagine your wedding, what is the look, feel, and details you want your guests to remember?

5.    Venue Hunt. I often tell brides that this can be one of the most difficult parts of wedding planning. Start by doing a little Google searching or asking friends and family members. Then, select three to five venues that you’d like to tour. Start with that list, and then continue the hunt if needed. There are amazing online resources that can help you get started. While we all love the Google, it can often be overwhelming in scenarios such as wedding planning.

Ask us! The Snyder Entertainment team has years of experience in weddings and events, and we have been the premier choice of entertainment at numerous wedding venues in the Nashville area.  We’d be happy to help you get your wedding planning started and help with all of your entertainment needs!