How to Postpone Your Event | Nashville Wedding DJ

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Couples all over the country are facing the disappointment of not having their wedding on their originally scheduled date. We want to open this blog post by saying: we’re grieving the loss of the plans you were making right alongside all of you. We understand that choosing to postpone a wedding comes with a lot of moving parts, and it is not an easy decision to make.

We also want to tell you that you still have the right to have the wedding of your dreams. It may be weeks or months later than you originally had planned, and the new date may not have the significance of your original date, but you can still create something special out of your new date (and maybe new venue).

In an attempt to make this difficult transition as seamless as possible for all of our couples and corporate clients, we are being as flexible as we can in creating space in our calendar to postpone events. We wanted to share the simple steps to follow to postpone, rather than cancel, your 2020 events.


Step One: Let Us Know If You’re Thinking about Postponing

There will be many vendors who will need to be notified, and your venue will need to work out the logistics on their end before they can give you their new availability, but even before you have an official wedding date, we recommend letting all involved parties know that you are looking into it. This helps the vendors know not to progress forward with working on your event, but instead to just place a hold on everything.

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Step Two: Get a New Wedding Date, and Let Us Know!

We are honoring your contract as it was signed, but simply transferring events to the new date. So, whatever package you booked, your hourly blocks, your equipment rentals…all of that will still stand on your new date, and the same rate.

Step Three: Let Us Do the Rest!

We will take care of moving the event, keeping your online account and music selections preserved, moving our staffing and equipment reservations around…doing everything we can to make your job as simple as sending an email!

Be sure to reach out to us if you have any questions, or if you want to chat about availability for the coming months!

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