Nashville's Snyder Entertainment | A Versatile Entertainment Company

About once a month, we do a DJ Diaries post, where we re-cap one event for you that stood out to us in that month. We have a little problem though. From late August of this year, until now (late September, 2019), we have done so many amazing events, with so many incredible companies and couples, it’s impossible to choose just one.

Instead of our typical DJ Diaries write-up, we’d like to share a few things that we were fortunate enough to be a part of in the past month. These events range wildly in size and style, and it has been fun to shift gears and prepare for multiple events at the same time. We are proud of our flexible team, our vast list of vendor friends who supply us with extra rentals, and the clients who ask us to come back and do the same events year after year. It’s a great time to be in Nashville, and we’re thrilled to be right at the center of the coolest events in our city!

Take a look at what we’ve been up to this month!

Jr. Predator’s Annual Casino Night

We were honored to return as the entertainment for the Jr. Predator’s Annual Casino Night fundraiser! We brought the photo booth, lots of Vegas-themed decor, and of course all of the Casino Games! This event is always a blast!


Amazon.Com’s Truck Stop

As a way to say thank you to the men and women who labor over delivering all of our packages, Amazon put together a fun event for their truck drivers. A “truck stop” at Nissan Stadium, complete with a Jason Aldean concert! We were there to do the videography, a service we love providing!


GET Destinations Pool Party

We had a blast at this company pool party, complete with a Mobile Recoding Booth (because nothing is more Nashville than that) and a boat racing game!


Nashville Brew Fest

Held in the beautiful First Tennessee Park, Snyder Entertainment supplied the Ladder Ball, Giant Connect 4, Giant Yahtzee, and Giant Jenga games for this fun event!


Parking Lot Party at Mafiaoza’s Franklin-Pilgrimage Festival

If you follow us on Facebook or Instagram, you know how excited we were to return to the Mafiaoza’s parking lot this year during Pilgrimage Festival. This festival is arguably Franklin’s biggest event each year. Last year, the weather didn’t cooperate, and shows were called off, leaving many disappointed ticket-holders. Our DJs (shout out to Kam Patterson and Jacob Hess!) saved the day with a parking lot dance party that allowed festival goers to dance it out.

The weather was much more favorable for a festival this year, and we were back! It was great to be part of the festival again this year, and we learned that Pilgrimage people know how to dance, no matter the weather!


And of course, lots and lots of weddings!

We would be remiss if we didn’t give a shout out to the dozens of couples we have worked with in the past month. Wedding season is busy, as always, and we wouldn’t change a thing about it. We were lucky to be part of the big day for these couples!

As you can see, all of these events are starkly different from each other. We are Nashville’s Premier DJ Service, because we are versatile. Bring any event our way, and we will find a way to enhance it for you. Sometimes it means finding the perfect music, other times it means partnering with the perfect vendor. No matter what you’re dreaming up, we can find a way to make it happen. Follow along on Facebook and Instagram to see these events as we do them, and contact us today to plan your next event!